OUTSIDERSI. Skupnost izkušenih vodnikov in športnih navdušencev, ki želi ponovno povezati ljudi z naravo.

Ponujamo pustolovske aktivnosti za ljubitelje narave in dogodivščin vseh starosti.

Kanjoning CUC

Doživite in razičšite kanjon Cuc z nami. Z osnovnimi tehnikami spuščanja po slapih navzdol vas bomo naučili in pripravili do tega, da to počnete sami in uživate v adrenalinu. Aktivnost primerna za vso družino.

Spust s SOT kajakom

SOT (sit on top) kajak je posebna oblika kajaka, ki je začetnikom najprijaznejša. Gre za preprost čoln, v katerem prosto sedite in v njem niste zaprti. Zaradi preprostosti je izlet s takšno oblika čolna popolna izbira za miren a hkrati zabaven izlet po reki Savinji.

Kajak šola

Izberite med 2-dnevno ali 5 dnevno kajak šolo na Savinji ali na 3-rekah. Licencirani učitelji kajaka predstavijo osnove gibanja po rekah in osnovne tehnike veslanja.

Neuro Contents
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The perfect paddling with the perfect guides! The instructors are great kayakers to learn from and a funny guys to spend time with, visibly enjoying paddling and showing people around the Slovenian rivers. I am looking forward to asking them to take me along the next year again.
Chris Campbell
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Superb experience with Žiga from Outsidersi. Organised at short notice, very happy, highly recommend.
Ziga Andrejc
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Soteskanje v slapu Cuc! Sprva strah, a na koncu sama uživancija s super družbo in stavek "A lahko gremo še enkrat?!" 😁 (tudi v primeru straha pred višino). Super ekipa Outsiders-ov, vedno nasmejani. V trenutkih ko pogledaš čez rob in te malo "stisne", pa te znajo tudi potolažiti. 😅 Definitivno še kdaj!
Catarina Mayer
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Super toller Guide! Danke für die Aktivitäten und die gute Betreuung. Wir haben uns sehr wohl gefühlt und als größere Gruppe ist sehr auf unsere Bedürfnisse eingegangen worden! Top! Danke für die feine Zeit
Ralf Vlaming
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Although the river Savinja is not the wildest river ever, it has some rapids to make it fun. The nature is very pretty, so it is a relaxing way to experience the river and it's surroundings. The guides are very friendly and professional. And if you behave well enough, they have a surprise for you in the end...
Ulrike Stock
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Sehr schöne Tour auch für jüngere Kinder. Unsere Kinder (8 und 11) Die Guides waren sehr nett und sind spontan auf alle eingegangen. Hauptsächlich wurde man in Wasserfällen abgeseilt. Leider wurde wenig durch das Wasser „gewandert/geklettert“. Es hat uns allen sehr gut gefallen. Danke für den schönen Tag.
Zan Lesnik
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I went canyoning with them and it was a once in a life time experience. I recommend it to every one who likes fun and a little bit of adrenaline. The crew was amazing, they made the whole experience even more exciting and safe!
Arthur Lutz
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Nice outdoor activities with nice and responsible guides. We did kayaking here which was particularly nice for the kids (5 and 7 years old) and with the 7 year old also joined canyoning, which was really cool for kids and adults. It was also no problem to make some special arrangements for our kid with a health condition.
Denis Syla
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A little bit of adrenaline never killed nobody! What a fun experience in the middle of nowhere, where every piece of nature is such a beauty. The instructors are such a professionals too. While joking and having fun, they made such a dangerous activity looked like nothing could go wrong.
Wolf Wouters
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Excellent activities and good/supportive instructors with a great sense of humor as a bonus 🙂 Absolutely recommend them!
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